Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Blogging rate

As you may have noticed...I didn't post much over the past month. Why? Yes, we have been busy, but mostly, it's because my ThinkPad finally bit the dust. I tried not ordering a new machine...and that didn't work out so well. So, I ordered a Vostro 1500. It came this morning. S charged the battery while I was at work. I read the manual. I started it. I set it up. S entered the wireless information. For 20 glorious minutes, we surfed. Everything worked - wireless, sound, video, and the picture was beautiful.

Hungry, I left my new laptop on the coffee table and went to the kitchen to make dinner. We ate dinner. I walked back into the living room. The computer was hibernating. How nice, I thought - energy savings pre-programmed. I hit the spacebar. Nothing happened. I hit return, nothing. Fine, sometimes you need to hit the powerkey. I hit the power key. The screen flickered. The screen came on. It looked like this.

And that is all it ever did. After an hour on the phone with Dell (no, really, I don't want to diagnose the problem. no, thank you, I don't think I do want another Vostro), I have printing labels. Once Little Bit decides to get off my lap, I will go downstairs and pack my new laptop back into its box. I will drive it to a UPS drop-off site.

And then, I will be laptopless once more.

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