Monday, September 1, 2008

Parc de la Rivière Doncaster

Today (labor day) is a holiday in Canada too.  We spent all day yesterday laboring on the apartment - mostly installing shelves in the kitchen, unpacking more boxes, and interior decorating.  Since we don't own the walls, we are no longer opposed to nailing many nails into the walls.  Today, we took a break and went out to the Laurentides - the mountains start about 4o minutes from Montreal.  We saw a lot of ski slopes on our way to Parc de la Rivière Doncaster - where we spent the afternoon hiking (for $6/person ... Sam got in free this time).  We hiked to the Vue du Pointe - which was beautiful....

We also saw crazy martian mushrooms...

And, the Rivière Doncaster was fabulous.  This was one of the calmer points along the river, there was serious whitewater in several sections.

We also saw the world's smallest Catholic church.  

The Laurentides are beautiful ... we are pretty sure we will head back out there this winter.


  1. Shannon and Ketra,
    Glad to see that you are finally decorating your home:).
    I am so glad that you seem to be enjoying your adventures in looks beautiful.

  2. Melissa -
    It is beautiful up here - and we can't wait for you to come and see it!

