Monday, February 22, 2010

Staying Warm

Let me start by saying, Canadians are nuts - "oh sure, H can go outside, she'll be fine as long as it is twenty below or warmer." We've decided that since she is Canadian, she must be tough and probably likes nothing more than the thrill of an arctic gust so cold that it crystallizes one's snot. So, we've been taking walks and took her first hike on "the mountain" yesterday. We didn't take any photos from the hike, but have plenty of the different ways we have bundled her up.

When we go by car, the cozy cover (sort of shown here) on the car seat keeps H warm.

For short walks, we use the snow suit.

For longer walks, and this weekends hike on "the mountain," we start with the mama kangaroo baby carrier.

And, top it off with the "m coat" - for Maternity, Mama, and Myself. It has a reversible panel - the wide side goes down when pregnant, the wide side goes up when carrying the baby in a carrier, and the panel goes away when mama goes out by herself. Very handy.


  1. The m coat is impressive! You figure there has to be some sort of something up in the cold north, but it is still interesting!

    We were pretty cavalier in taking M out in the elements. I would bundle him up in winter clothes and a snowsuit, put him in a sling, put my long wool coat on, put a heavy fleece blanket over him, tie the coat around it, and walk from the house to the architecture school across the OSU campus around 9 in the morning from Jan-March (so usually 15-20 degrees). People thought I was nuts. But, he was always toasty and I got out of the house.

    We also let him get wet... it was just a reality in Portland. Justin would ride his bike with him on the front in the rain home from the sitters when he was just over a year old. To this day he won't wear a hood and thus won't wear his rain jacket, only a heavy fleece. He won't let me put his stroller rain-cover. He prefers to get wet. Whatever I say.

  2. So you should know that traditionally, we, French Canadians, would put the babies in their strollers and let them do their naps outside. The only enemy is the wind, cuz then it makes it hard to breathe. So have fun bundling her up and be ready for the super hot humid days to come, thats another challenge!
